MHHC Reinsurance, Inc.
MHHC Reinsurance, Inc. was formed in 2018, to bring together all of our relationships with third party capital (including traditional retrocession, and other initiatives and partnerships with capital markets) under the management of one team. By doing so, we are better able to leverage our underwriting, origination, and analytic and research capabilities to enhance our competitive position with customers and brokers.
Our emphasis on interest alignment, transparency and low execution risk allows us to share mutually attractive opportunities with a broad range of capital providers. Together, these relationships help us create value through more effective capital and portfolio management.
Our pragmatic approach means we are continuously developing new solutions and relationships around the growing intersection of reinsurance and capital markets. Our Reinsurance entity is in partnership with A-rated companies with sustainable underwriting.
If you are interested in additional information, please complete our online application. Some coverage limitation may apply based on individual state regulatory requirements.